First, we want to start out by saying, “We see you!” We, truly, know how difficult COVID-19 has been for many of the families we serve, the clients that we care for and our own community. We hear the stories and we truly care about this situation. And each individual affected.

Please DO know that we DO care, deeply – that is why we serve you and your family. Our mission is to improve health and spirit of the clients we serve EVERY time we visit. We do everything we can, during our visits, to improve the health, the wellbeing and the attitude of your loved one. We do this by truly listening and loving your family member. The specific areas that we have the greatest impact? They are all different. We serve individuals and we serve them individually. We identify ways to serve and areas to serve in – we see the areas that we can make a difference in improving your loved-one’s life. We want them to enjoy a quality of life and a dignity in that life. We look for ways to connect recreationally, educationally and of course these ways are driven by their health and welfare.
This year and every year, we know that it is the caregivers that need their own break and we give it to them through companion care. Please lean on us and don’t delay in calling for your referral.
We are THRILLED to be able to head into 2022. We have very high hopes for this year: the health of our workers, the health of our country and the mental health of us all. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and may the new year be prosperous and healthy for all of you.
And for us, at Circle of Life Home Care? We look forward to a year of purpose and firm footsteps, with a heart of wisdom. We love and care about each and every one of you!